Tech Editing Sarah Walworth Tech Editing Sarah Walworth

The truth about the role of a tech editor

What is the true job and responsibility of the technical editor of patterns? I thought our job was to make sure the pattern was correct as written, that what was printed on the page worked out mathematically and was easy to follow, and it is that—but is that all? Are they the numbers the designer wants, just because the math works out? Is it our job to know what the designer wants, to question what is in front of us?

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Grading Sarah Walworth Grading Sarah Walworth

Pattern Grading for Larger Sizes

How do I grade for larger sizes?

How do I make sizes for bodies that don't look like mine?

Don't be intimidated! It's not as hard as it seems. Grading for larger sizes is the same as grading for any size in the range of sizes you want to use in your pattern. The principles and grading steps are exactly the same. This article walks you through some tips to get you started on the mindset to size up your patterns.

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Grading Sarah Walworth Grading Sarah Walworth

Get some grading confidence!

What do you do if you feel like you don’t have enough information or confidence to grade patterns for yarn well? This article walks you through some steps that you can apply now to increase your success in grading patterns for knitting and crochet.

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Grading Sarah Walworth Grading Sarah Walworth

What is pattern grading?

What is pattern grading? The Tech Editor Hub explains the process and how it is different in sewing and knitting and crochet patterns and how to know if a pattern has been graded well.

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