Interview Sarah Walworth Interview Sarah Walworth

Interview: Alison Lee

Alison Lee is a registered nurse, knitting technical editor, pattern grader, and sample knitter.

She loves to support designers in all aspects of their publication process, especially by completing the jobs that they don’t have time to do, so they can create the patterns for makers to enjoy.

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Interview Sarah Walworth Interview Sarah Walworth

Interview: Laura Cameron

Laura Cameron has been a knitting technical editor since 2016, working with a variety of designers, magazines, yarn companies and honed her marketing skills at Stitchcraft marketing. She's now a project manager for fabric retailer Missouri Star Quilt Company, and she hosts a weekly podcast and blog about her crafty pursuits. Let’s get into the interview!

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Tech Editing Sarah Walworth Tech Editing Sarah Walworth

Streamline your editing workflow

As you are growing your tech-editing business, it's smart to think about how you will handle the work you will need to do from the first inquiry to final invoicing. If you do your best at tech editing, you will soon have many clients. If your clients are happy with your work, you might get lots of work from them and they might refer you to other designers. Having a system in place and knowing what to do at each step of the tech-editing process will help relieve stress and allow you to focus on doing the best job you can do.

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Tech Editing Joeli Caparco Tech Editing Joeli Caparco

Editing for magazines vs. designers

Magazine work, in general, is a bulk of patterns given to you at once. There's a lot of editing to do and you are making all the corrections. When you work with a designer, in general, you're just pointing out errors to the designer. The designer is making the corrections and sending a corrected proof back to you for you to then recheck and approve.

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